Sunday, November 06, 2011

Recent Photos


The incredible world of lichen

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A long hiatus

Time to replenish the material. Lots of things got in the way. Too much to go into. However, the fruits of my labor and thought process are shared for your comments. I have investigated FOV stacking, focusing rails, bellows, and other things macro. To that end, I purchased another classic piece of history, a 20mm F4 Nikon lens. This lens, reversed on a bellows, will give a 12X magnification of the subject. Substantially more that the 1:1 ratio I currently have with the Kiron. Of course, not a heck of a lot of subjects can be captured with this apparatus, but those that can, will be. I took a sidetrip into exploring the capabilities of shooting ultra-wide, doing this like star trails and other things landscape. I'll publish a few samples for instructional review at some point.